Benefits of Installing a Towbar

The vast majority of families in the United Kingdom own or lease a car or van, and yet the percentage of those owners who have invested in a towbar is significantly less. And yet we are of the opinion that if the general public were aware of the numerous benefits that fitting a towbar brings, then the number of people who would invest in one would increase dramatically.

Many people think of a towbar as only being there to tow a trailer, and whilst it is probably fair to suggest this as the main use case scenario, there are actually a plethora of jobs that having a towbar can assist with and which could potentially save you money so let's look at some of those.

Towbar for BikesGoing on A Family Holiday

A family holiday in the United Kingdom can be a fun-filled experience that makes memories to last a lifetime. However, space can be at a premium depending on the size of your car and the number of people in your family. After all, you can squeeze only so much into the boot. A trailer resolves this issue in seconds and doubles or even triples the amount of free space you and your family have available.

For those who are more athletically inclined, rather than take a trailer, there is the option of transporting your bicycles with you on holiday instead using a towbar-mounted cycle carrier.

Bike Racks For Cars

Alternatively, if you are not ready to invest in a trailer just yet, but want to take your family cycles on holiday with you then, a towbar-mounted cycle carrier or bike rack is the perfect solution. Offering flexibility, and convenience it will ensure that any holiday you and your family make will be even more enjoyable.

Moving Home - Save Money and Time On Removal Costs

Although you may not have to move homes too many times in your life, moving can not only be stressful, it can also be expensive. Hiring a professional removals team can add significantly to the cost of moving home, and with the possible exception of some larger items, such as your three-piece suite or wardrobes, most items can be moved using a trailer. There is even the option of hiring a larger trailer to help complete the job, but of course, that would not even be an option if you do not already have a towbar installed.

Do It Yourself Projects

Should you decide to undertake any extensive DIY projects, such as laying a new patio, for instance, then that could involve the moving of large equipment such as cement mixers or purchasing large numbers of bags of sand and cement, all of which would need to be transported from the shop to your property. If you have a towbar installed and access to a trailer, then your job becomes a relatively simple task that is convenient and hassle-free when compared to the alternatives.

north west towbarsThese are just some of the many benefits that installing a towbar can deliver; in many instances, the only limit is your imagination. If you want a towbar fitted, Northwest Towbars is the company that can help. We are a locally owned and operated company with over thirty years of experience within the industry.

Call our friendly customer service team today on 0161 474 7474 to discuss your specific requirements and any questions you need to be answered.