Do Towbars Ever Need Replacement?
Towbars are designed to last for many years but like everything in life over time they may deteriorate and at some point, they may need to be replaced. Due to the job that they do and the potential weight that is passed through a towbar when it is in use, it is critical that you regularly check your towbar, to ensure it has not suffered any damage or deterioration.
Many people are also unaware of the fact that once you have a towbar fitted to a vehicle, the towbar will be inspected as part of the MOT process. Even if your car is perfectly sound a poorly maintained towbar could be responsible for your failing its MOT so it is essential that you check the towbar before an MOT inspection.
What is the Lifespan of The Average Towbar?
Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this question because it will very much depend on how much use your towbar receives and indeed the type of use it gets. If for instance your towbar is used daily or even weekly to tow heavy items, then naturally it will need to be replaced sooner than a towbar that is only used a couple of times a year to take a trailer of grass to the local dump.
That is why rather than putting a specific lifespan on a towbar, we always recommend regular inspections. If your towbar is used a lot then it's probably fair to assume a lifespan of five years while a towbar that is rarely used could last up to ten years.
The team at North West Towbars are always available to provide you with guidance and expertise. Integrity is at the core of our business, and we will never recommend that you change your tow bar if it has many more years of life.
How To Inspect Your Towbar For Wear and Tear or Signs of Damage
When it comes to inspecting your towbar, the biggest source of problems is and always will be any pins and bolts, as these will inevitably be the components of the towbar that deteriorate first. Our advice before undertaking any towing job would be to inspect all pins and bolts to ensure that they are fit for purpose.
If your car is due to go in for an MOT it might also be a good idea to get it properly inspected beforehand by towbar experts. This is because the MOT inspection around towbars is quite extensive. The MOT examiners will look at the tow ball, any and all fixings, bolts, brackets and of course, the chassis and body of your vehicle to ensure no rust or deterioration. Your car will fail the MOT if they find any corrosion in the relevant areas, insecure fittings or even excessive wear and tear.
Quick and Easy Maintenance of Your Towbar
Although it might sound somewhat intimidating, your towbar requires minimal maintenance.
1. Keep your towbar clean, simply by wiping it with a cloth regularly to remove any dirt or debris that may have built up.You should not use any lubricants during this a cloth is all that you need.
2. A towbar cover is a cheap and worthwhile investment, as it will keep any dirt and debris from building up on the towbar.
3. Regularly check all mountings, fixings and parts for damage. Every six months or so check to ensure the towbar is securely tightened and attached to your vehicle.
Whether you need advice on towbar maintenance, replacement, or simply which new towbar to invest in for the first time call North West Towbars today on 0161 474 7474.
We are fully committed to delivering the ultimate customer satisfaction, which is why we are acknowledged as one of the leading towbar companies in the Manchester area.